Women Who Whistle

Paul instructs Titus to train up the older women to instruct the younger women. In some church circles, the man’s role in the home and church is devalued through a lack of emphasis on the man. This is also seen in the context where men are often absent from the church and home. On the flip side, many churches, often in our own theological circles, have placed an emphasis on training men to the degree that women are overlooked and sometimes not even trained at all. Still others merely focus on determining what women should not do in the church. Theology is frequently watered down in women’s studies. Women may be overlooked for roles in ministry in which they may faithfully and Biblically serve. Jesus spent time with women, affirmed them, and the New Testament calls women to serve the church. This episode discusses the importance of having Godly women in the church. Additionally, as women are more likely to be affected by poverty and violence, this necessitates outreach that is empathetic to their past, as well as, current experiences. Listen as Stephanie, Joel, and Eric discuss training women for the work.

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